Communication Strategies for Your Outsourced IT Team in the Philippines

The Philippines has become a global hub for skilled IT professionals. Many businesses, large and small, are tapping into this talent pool to outsource their IT needs. But let’s face it, outsourcing comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to communication. Time zone differences, cultural nuances, and potential language barriers can easily lead to misunderstandings and project delays.

The good news is, with the right communication strategies in place, you can bridge the gap and build a truly phenomenal IT team in the Philippines. Here’s your roadmap to unlock smooth communication and a collaborative working environment.

Define Your Needs with Clarity

The foundation of any successful project, local or outsourced, is clear communication.  Start by outlining your project goals, expectations, and timelines in detail. Don’t leave room for ambiguity.

Consider using project management tools like Asana or Trello. These platforms offer shared visibility into tasks, deadlines, and progress, ensuring everyone is on the same page. Additionally, craft user stories that break down complex projects into bite-sized, easy-to-understand steps.  These stories should clearly outline the “why” behind each task, giving your Philippines-based team a deeper understanding of your project goals.

Embrace the Power of Asynchronous Communication

There’s a good chance you won’t be working the same hours as your Philippines-based team. This is where asynchronous communication shines. Tools like email, project management platforms, and team chat apps like Slack become your best friends.

Encourage your team to communicate clearly and concisely in writing. This means outlining specific questions, action items, and expected outcomes. It also helps create a record of communication that everyone can refer back to later.

 Overcommunicate (Strategically)

While clear communication is key, avoid information overload. Don’t just dump a mountain of instructions on your team. Prioritize the most important information and consider utilizing visuals to enhance understanding. Flowcharts, screenshots, and even short explainer videos can be incredibly helpful in conveying complex concepts.

Building a Culture of Open Communication is Key

Remember, you want your Philippines-based team to feel comfortable asking questions and raising concerns.  Foster a culture of open communication by holding regular one-on-one meetings or team huddles (virtually, of course). Encourage questions, actively listen to their feedback, and address any doubts they might have.

Transparency and Empathy Go a Long Way

Keep your team informed about project progress, roadblocks, and decision-making processes.  Transparency builds trust and helps them feel valued as part of the team.

Remember, cultural differences exist. Be patient, clarify any misunderstandings that arise, and show appreciation for their perspective. Building a bridge of empathy fosters a positive working relationship.

Capitalize Feedback

Feedback is essential for growth. Implement a system where you can provide constructive feedback, both positive and negative. This allows your team to learn and improve.  But don’t forget, encourage them to provide feedback on your communication style as well. Open communication is a two-way street!

Invest in Building Relationships: It’s Not Just About Work

Go beyond just work emails and task lists. Schedule virtual team-building activities to create a sense of camaraderie and understanding.  This could be anything from a virtual team trivia night to a fun online cooking class. Building relationships helps foster a sense of connection and collaboration.

Recognize and Celebrate Wins

Don’t forget to acknowledge hard work and achievement! Celebrate milestones and project successes together. This shows your team that their efforts are valued and motivates them to keep exceeding expectations.

Successful Asian businessman and businesswoman celebrate project success while attending a group meeting. Victory and winner concept.

Bonus Tip: Embrace Filipino Culture!

Taking a little time to familiarize yourself with basic Filipino greetings, work etiquette, and cultural values can go a long way.  This demonstrates respect and helps build rapport with your team.


Building a successful partnership with a Outsourcing your IT team to the Philippines is about more than just technical expertise.  Clear communication fosters collaboration, builds trust, and paves the way for a successful, long-term partnership.

If you’re looking to leverage the Philippines’ IT talent pool but unsure where to start, we can help!  Our team of experts specializes in connecting businesses with top-tier IT professionals in the Philippines. Visit our IT Services page to learn more.